
音乐与唱片业 项目描述

The 音乐与唱片业 degree 程序 is designed to prepare students for careers in today's music industry. 重点领域包括音乐制作和音乐业务, 同时也提供现场声音课程, 广播, 设备维护, 和性能.   


最初, all 音乐与唱片业 degree students complete a series of core classes that develop the foundational skills needed for virtually any career in commercial music. 这些核心课程包括音频制作, 音乐产业基础, 音乐理论, 多媒体和音乐史. Students then select one of two areas of concentration in the music industry or music production tracks. 有些学生可能会选择在这两个领域学习. 无论选择哪条路, 保证学生的整体素质, 动手课程揭示了多种途径在音乐行业的职业生涯. 



Hocking College offers all-inclusive pricing 和 works with students to assure they have complete college funding, 包括经济援助, 在开始上课之前. 有关课程费用,请参阅课程表.








住房和膳食计划的定价 可以在这里找到.


在俄亥俄州,很少有音乐学校能提供像音乐和唱片行业那样多的机会 十大网赌网站大全的学位课程. 

毕业生被聘为工作室工程师,音乐制作人, 录音工程师, record label personnel, concert 促进rs, tour crew, music publishers, booking agents 和 musicians.



If you already have an intensive musical background you are encouraged to share your experiences with the School of Arts 和 Sciences. 你可以在某些课程上获得提前学分, 根据经验相当于大学水平的课程.

以下结果是技能, 行为, 和 attitudes cultivated in students seeking the Associate of Applied Business in 音乐与唱片业 - Music Industry Track: 

  • 制定并维护现场演出策略, 相关谈判, 还有一个发展中的艺术家的合同.
  • 管理与知识产权相关的艺术家出版、许可和版税.
  • 市场, 促进, 并通过实体和数字渠道销售音乐产品, 利用传统和新媒体平台和工具.
  • 组织,预算,购买人才,并促进现场音乐活动在不同类型的场地. 
  • 发掘和发展艺人的长处,以配合业界的需要
  • 以专业作品集的形式创建一个可销售的工作主体.

以下结果是技能, 行为, 和 attitudes cultivated in students seeking the Associate of Applied Business in 音乐与唱片业 - Audio Production Track:

  • 制定前期制作策略(包括麦克风的选择/放置), 和 choices regarding sound 和 talent isolation) in order to lead efficient professional recording sessions.
  • Create organized sessions to capture 和 edit audio within Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) (Ex. 狂热的ProTools). 
  • 修复, 混合, 和 enhance audio using industry st和ard hardware 和 software to create finished commercial quality content. 
  • 展示加强前台所需的技能 & 舞台)和混合音频在现场声音场景. 
  • 识别和发展艺人的优势,以满足唱片业的需要
  • Utilize tools 和 basic electrical schematic comprehension to diagnose 和 repair audio equipment.
  • 以专业作品集的形式创建一个可销售的工作主体.


学生学习成果 (SLOs) are statements of what a student will be able to do when they have completed a 程序. They represent the knowledge 和 skills a 程序 has determined are most important for students to gain from that 程序 和 include both the Success Skills (institutional outcomes) 和 项目的结果. SLOs are specific 和 measurable so the 程序 can accurately assess the degree to which students have achieved each outcome, 他们与大学和机构的使命和价值观一致. Data on the achievement of SLOs is used to make improvements in the 程序 和 increase student success. 


1)表现出良好的批判性思维, information literacy 和 technological competency in the production of academic writing 和 presentations

2)运用数学方法, 统计或分析推理,批判性地评估数据, 解决问题并有效沟通发现.

3)表现出社会意识, 塑造个人的政治和经济力量, 现代社会的机构和社区.

4)Underst和 social justice 和 the diversities 和 complexities of the cultural 和 social world past 和 present 和 come to an informed sense of self 和 others.

5)Demonstrate a foundation of knowledge in the natural sciences based on theory 和 laboratory skills.

6)培养道德价值观, 个人健康和个人学习策略在整个人的发展, 心, 身体和精神.

7) Integrate content material to application in the workforce 和 apply discipline specific knowledge 和 skills to successfully transfer or effectively meet the expectations of internships, 工作场所, 志愿服务和/或创业努力.

8) Utilize the ethical 和 professional application of current information technology 和 tools effectively.


以下结果是技能, 行为, 和 attitudes cultivated in students seeking the Associate of Applied Business in 音乐与唱片业 - Music Industry Track: 

  • 制定并维护现场演出策略, 相关谈判, 还有一个发展中的艺术家的合同.
  • 管理与知识产权相关的艺术家出版、许可和版税.
  • 市场, 促进, 并通过实体和数字渠道销售音乐产品, 利用传统和新媒体平台和工具.
  • 组织,预算,购买人才,并促进现场音乐活动在不同类型的场地. 
  • 发掘和发展艺人的长处,以配合业界的需要
  • 以专业作品集的形式创建一个可销售的工作主体.

以下结果是技能, 行为, 和 attitudes cultivated in students seeking the Associate of Applied Business in 音乐与唱片业 - Audio Production Track:

  • 制定前期制作策略(包括麦克风的选择/放置), 和 choices regarding sound 和 talent isolation) in order to lead efficient professional recording sessions.
  • Create organized sessions to capture 和 edit audio within Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) (Ex. 狂热的ProTools). 
  • 修复, 混合, 和 enhance audio using industry st和ard hardware 和 software to create finished commercial quality content. 
  • 展示加强前台所需的技能 & 舞台)和混合音频在现场声音场景. 
  • 识别和发展艺人的优势,以满足唱片业的需要
  • Utilize tools 和 basic electrical schematic comprehension to diagnose 和 repair audio equipment.
  • 以专业作品集的形式创建一个可销售的工作主体.



Retention rates are determined by the office of Institutional Research utilizing the following criteria:

  • 所有已注册的秋季/秋季学生,并具有下一个秋季/秋季的注册状态.
  • 不包括特殊人群-大学学分加, 非学位, 在线军事和大学中心.
  • 潜在的 即将到来的秋季不包括秋季、春季和夏季学期的毕业生.
学年 保留率
2014 44%
2015  54%
2016 51%
2017 52%
2018 45%



毕业率由机构研究办公室决定. 确保有适当的时间收集数据, this report will be run 和 posted annually in the last week of September for the previous academic year. 值得注意的是,随着学生继续毕业,每年的毕业率可能会发生变化. 毕业率的计算将采用以下标准:

  • 总体课程完成率定义为以下比例的百分比: 


  • For the purposes of reporting, the 程序 completion rates are aggregated by academic year of entry.
  • A student is considered to have completed or graduated from a 程序 or certificate by virtue of having been awarded the degree or certificate.
  • A student is considered to be undertaking activity in a 程序 of study for the duration of time that they are in an active status in a 程序 or certificate. This is defined by having a Program of Study with a status of ‘A’ during the duration of time they are taking coursework.  Should a student move in 和 out of active status in a 程序 of study while continuing to take coursework, we only take into account the student’s activity while the 程序 has an active status for that particular 程序 of study.
学年 毕业率
2014 34%
2015  38%
2016 23%
2017 15%

在哪里 音乐与唱片业 毕业生最终工作?

Graduates of the 音乐与唱片业 程序 work all across the United States with recording 工作室, 电子游戏制作公司, 广播电台, 唱片公司, 现场音乐场地, 出版社, 预订机构等.


No.  尽管十大网赌网站大全欢迎各种经验水平的学生, 大多数来找十大网赌网站大全的学生之前都没有使用十大网赌网站大全工作室设备的经验, 软件或音乐产业.


The 音乐与唱片业 程序 at Hocking College offers h和s-on training in Avid Pro Tools, 板岩, 波  其他第三方插件, 微软办公套件,  Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, 插画家, 总理, 后的效果, 在设计, 动画, 火花, 以及各种移动应用程序.

音乐和唱片业计划是否与行业相关的惯例工作, 节日, 工作室, 场馆, 或者唱片公司?

Each year our students work with industry leaders participating in events such as SXSW Music Festival in Austin, TX, 美国作曲家、作家与出版商协会世博会, NAMM, 和尼尔森维尔音乐节, 以及许多国家和地区的录音室和音乐场所.  

十大网赌网站大全的学生还帮助协调各种现场音乐和活动, 音乐节和社区筹款活动. 另外, nearly every week we host national 和 regionally touring artists into our on-campus recording 工作室.

注册的学生可以获得哪些认证 音乐与唱片业 程序?

The Music Program currently offers a Live Sound Certification that may be completed within one year.  It includes h和s-on training with industry-st和ard analog 和 digital 混合ing consoles 和 peripheral equipment. 它包括在当地、地区和国家音乐场所的真实体验.  

进一步, the certification includes instruction in 设备维护 和 repair 和 introduces students to the fundamentals of electronics as it applies to the studio 和 生活 音响设备. The certification also includes an overview of the contracts associated with concert promotion, 后台和场地租赁和国际旅游路线.


通过教育开始你人生的下一个阶段似乎令人望而生畏. 这就是为什么十大网赌网站大全在这里帮助你走好每一步.
